Evaluate How Learning Activities Have Affected Practice

Course – Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care

Unit 301 – Promote Personal Development in Care Settings

Learning Outcome 5: Be Able to Use Learning Opportunities and Reflective Practice to Contribute to Personal Development

Assessment Criteria 5.1: Evaluate How Learning Activities Have Affected Practice

Evaluate How Learning Activities Have Affected Practice

5.1 Evaluate How Learning Activities Have Affected Practice

Learning should never be stopped, even if you are in the position you have always desired. It is claimed that anyone who stops learning is old. Whether he is twenty or eighty, learning is a condition of mind. If a person’s mind is active, he is fit enough to be termed young. If we evaluate learning activities, these activities have been shown to affect all fields significantly.

However, this sample is intended to describe how a learning activity has improved and to analyse how learning activities have affected practice. Specifically in the subject of adult care (healthcare sector).

The Different Types of Healthcare Learning Activities

Healthcare personnel should continue to learn about communication in care settings, their responsibilities, personal growth, information management, and safeguarding and preserving care environments. These tasks reflect on how learning activities have affected practice and are essential to make your practice more effective.

It is necessary to understand the various sorts of learning activities to evaluate how learning activities affect practice; a few of the most frequent types are as follows:

Initial Courses of Action

How a training session begins ensures learners understand what they will be doing and why. ‘Icebreakers’ are interactive experiences that occur at the beginning of a training event. Their goal is to ‘warm up’ the group and allow everyone to get to know one another. An icebreaker should be related to the training topic so the trainer can utilize it to kick off the day’s activities.

Pre-Class Homework

Ask your students to investigate essential phrases, evaluate patient assessments, required medications or drug classes, and exemplars relevant to the idea before teaching it in class. This makes students feel more prepared in class and usually results in a more involved and engaging class discussion.

Maps of concepts

Use concept maps to cover content acquisition, student evaluation, or knowledge applications, and then urge students to photograph them as study tools on their phones. For visual learners, this type of active learning technique is ideal. It sometimes makes all the difference to see a notion set out and then be able to refer to it afterward.

Group Activities for Learning

Small group work is a tried and true learning technique. Numerous options can be adjusted to suit the desired learning goal. A problem to solve, a topic to discuss, or a creative work of some type may be assigned to the group. The trainer keeps them on track during the activity by encouraging them and offering recommendations if they are stuck. Small group activities are frequently concluded by discussing the results with the entire group.

Effect of Learning Activities on Practice

Looking back, you should identify earlier learning experiences that helped your job progress. These characteristics (verification and discovery) should be present in your daily practices. You could reflect on how you got started in the care sector. Recall how you were unaware of your rights as an employee and how important they were at the time. We will evaluate how learning activities have affected practice in care, and if you can provide an example of CPR saving a life.

When considering expanding your knowledge and learning something new, take the time to discuss it with individuals who are knowledgeable in the field in which you are working.


Consider whether you have gained additional knowledge from your practice: Ask yourself, “Did my practice change due to my learning activity?” What impact do you believe you are learning activity will have? This exercise would allow you to analyse whether it made a difference in training and how much of an influence it had.

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