Harvard Referencing Generator Online

When you are asked to write a university-level assignment it is important to use material from existing studies and sources. You need to utilize other articles in your assignments because they have already been published and are used as a standard for you to compare your own findings with them. This existing information is also used to support or disagree with your findings. This depends on what your findings are and which sources you utilized.

It is important that you know - whatever information you take from the published research you can not use it within the assignment’s content until and unless you follow a proper format. You are required to provide appropriate information, this can differ depending on the type of sources being utilized, such as the author’s name, article’s topic, page number, year of publication, and much more. This is popularly called citing and referencing.

Unluckily, a lot of students are uninformed about the appropriate way to cite and format the references that they utilize in their projects. This is the reason why, in order to help such students, we created a Harvard referencing generator.

How Our Harvard Referencing Generator Online Tool Helps You?

This Harvard reference generator is very useful and beneficial for those of you who find it tough to reference and cite their information sources. Harvard referencing generator also caters to those students who face trouble in properly formatting their references.

It does not matter whether you are referencing a website, journal, book, or any other source Harvard reference generator will do this work for you in a matter of a few seconds. All you have to do is paste the link of your source and voila! This free Harvard referencing generator will cite and reference that source in the proper organization. Our guideline given below will provide you with an introduction as to what Harvard Referencing is so that you can understand what it is and how it works.

What Is Harvard Style Referencing?

Before using a Harvard referencing tool you need to know what the Harvard referencing is. The style of Harvard referencing and citation is normally used in social sciences and humanities but it also depends on which university you are studying at. If you are writing about a topic that falls under any of these subjects then the Harvard referencing is the format you must follow.

Whenever you extract information from an outside source, it is compulsory to state the name of the author in the content where the source is utilized and give all the details in the reference list which is added at the end of your assignment. There are two main sections where Harvard referencing should be done, these are:

In-text Citations: The name of the author is stated after each sentence.

Citations in the Reference Section: Citations written in the last section are also known as the References section.

In-Text Citation through Harvard Citation Generator:

It is essential for you to note that while Harvard Referencing is similar to the APA format they are not the same. Our free Harvard referencing generator knows that some minor details must be sensibly considered as the two referencing styles are similar but not the same. That is why this Harvard referencing generator tool never gets confused between the two referencing styles.

In-Text Citation for Single Author through Harvard Style Referencing Generator:

When using Harvard style citation generator you will see that the surname of the author and publishing date is given to you. The names and dates will be separated by a single comma.


  • “Mogra (2016) comes to the conclusion that most trainee teachers surveyed desired collective worship to go on, valuing the contribution…”
  • Mindfulness-based interventions may be given by using and adapting current support mechanisms for instance enhanced personal tuition (O’Hara, 2020)

In-Text Citation for Two or Three Authors through Harvard Style Referencing Generator:

When using our Harvard referencing generator tool you will see that a source that has two or three authors is separated by “and”. The Harvard style citation generator will also state its year or publication. You should know that in Harvard style reference using “&” is forbidden.


  • Crolley and Hand (2002) argue that the nature of the British press is to represent English football supporters as warriors fighting for a cause, rather than audiences.
  • When conversing the topic of the British press, it could be debated that “foreigners are quite simply portrayed in a negative light throughout the British press” (Crolley and Hand, 2002)

In-Text Citation for Four or More Authors though Harvard Style Referencing Generator:

If you are searching for “cite this for me Harvard UK referencing” then you will not be disappointed when using this tool. When our Harvard referencing generator tool references a source with four or more authors it generates the first author’s name and follows it by “et al” and the year of its publication within a few seconds.


This was a needed convince simply because once you grow old, you are going to have your own life, move out of your parents’ house and so will your other family members (Hoffmann et al, 2018)

In-Text Citation For No Authors Through Harvard Referencing Generator UK Based Tool:

If you are searching for “Harvard referencing cite this for me” a provide a source that has no authors or the author has chosen to stay anonymous then we have got you covered. Our Harvard Referencing Generator UK based tool will present you with the first four to five words of the title are used followed by the year of publication.


  • The article, Chapter, webpage + Title should be placed in quotation mark(“”) + (“A Guide To Marketing Principles”, 2016)
  • Book, report, or brochure +  Title should be in italic form + (A Guide to marketing principles, 2016)

End-Text Citations in the Referencing Section Harvard Citation Generator:

The end-text citation is different from the in-text citation and our Harvard referencing website generator developers understand this. They know that it is a compiled list of every source which is used within your paper. The end-text citations are unique for each type of source and by using our Harvard referencing tool you can get this list easily.

Citing a Website:

If you want to cite a website using our Harvard referencing website generator, you will be presented with:

  • Author (s) Surname
  • Initials of the Author (s)
  • Year of Publishing
  • Title of the Site or Page
  • URL
  • Date accessed

Citing a Book:

If you desire to cite a book using the Harvard citation generator, you will be provided with:

  • Author’s initials and surname
  • Year of publication
  • Title of publication
  • Edition – if applicable
  • Publisher
  • Place of publication.

Citing a Research Paper:

If you have typed “Harvard referencing cite this for me” and entered the research paper’s topic this is what our tool will present you:

  • Author’s name(s)
  • Year of publishing
  • Title of the article – in italics
  • Name of the journal

Why Should You Choose Our Harvard Referencing Generator Online Tool?

Once you type in “cite this for me Harvard UK referencing style”, you are quite likely to end up on our website. Our website provides you with an amazing free Harvard referencing generator that will give you the Harvard-style citation in less than a minute.

Our Harvard referencing tool is very easy to use and the website is incredibly fast. We know how difficult it is to cite information and writing something like a dissertation can make citation even more difficult. With the use of our free Harvard referencing generator not only will you save time from not investing in this complex task but also save money. So what is stopping you now? Go ahead and try our tool  Harvard referencing tool at once.


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